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The General Office of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and The General Office of Jiangsu Provincial Government officially issued the Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Fire Law Enforcement ReformReleased in:2020-12-15 Browse:528 Source:Wuyue Hecheng

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of "> notice on deepening fire law enforcement reform issued by General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council" and comprehensively deepen fire enforcement law enforcement reform, in light of the actual situation of our province, the following implementation opinions are proposed.

General requirements

New era in jinping the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, fully implement the party's in the 19th and the 19th session of 2, 3, plenary meeting spirit, earnestly implement the general secretary xi at the national comprehensive fire rescue teams flag ceremony important precepts and 19 times of the political bureau of the central collective learning's important speech spirit, adhere to the people as the center, adhere to the concept of safety development, according to the deployment of deepening the reform of "pipes" decision making, promoting fire law enforcement concept, system, style all-round deep transformation, makes the honest, good style, service for the people and the fire law enforcement team, To build a scientific, reasonable, standardized, efficient, fair and open fire supervision and management system, enhance the fire prevention and control ability of the whole society, ensure the fire safety situation to be stable and stable, and provide safety guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of the province and speeding up the construction of "Strong Fumei High" new Jiangsu.

Main Tasks

(1) To implement the national fire control technical service management system. The state shall cancel the qualification licensing system for fire control facilities maintenance testing and fire control safety assessment institutions, and the enterprise shall carry out its work activities after obtaining the business license and meeting the working conditions. The technical service conclusion of the fire control facility maintenance inspection and fire control safety assessment organization is no longer a precondition for fire control approval. A mechanism has been set up for information sharing among fire-fighting and rescue agencies, housing urban-rural development, market supervision, and fire-fighting technical service agencies of human resources and social security departments, and information such as enterprise registration, spot check and inspection, and administrative punishment has been timely pushed. We will strengthen ongoing and ex-post supervision, introduce standards and supervision measures for fire control technical service agencies, guide them to strengthen self-discipline and standardize their practices, and punish in accordance with the law those who do not have the conditions for work, practice fraud and other illegal acts. To study and promulgate relevant regulations and implementation measures on the withdrawal and permanent prohibition of fire control technical service institutions and personnel from the industry.

(2) Simplify fire control safety inspection of public gathering places before they are put into use and open for business, and implement notification commitment management. Public gathering places shall conform to fire control safety standards, adhere to the principles of self-examination for safety, self-elimination of hidden dangers and self-responsibility, and assume the main responsibility for fire control safety. Public gathering places within the scope of special construction projects and other construction projects prescribed by the housing and urban-rural construction department under The State Council shall, after passing the fire control acceptance check or passing the record of fire control acceptance check, apply to the fire control and rescue department for fire control safety inspection before they are put into use and open for business. Public gathering places outside the prescribed scope shall be included in the scope of daily fire control supervision and inspection. Nanjing, Suzhou and Lianyungang area of The China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone try out a fire safety notification system for public gathering places, while other areas actively prepare for the implementation of the system. We will actively explore the establishment of an inter-departmental joint working mechanism to effectively connect public gathering places with fire safety on-site verification before business operation and fire safety acceptance or filing of construction projects of public gathering places.

(3) Strengthening the management of fire control design examination and acceptance of construction projects. We will implement the reform of the administrative examination and approval system for construction projects and other requirements, and optimize the management of fire control design review and acceptance. To strengthen construction of fire control work of administrative examination and approval in accordance with the law, strengthen the construction of fire control design review acceptance matter later regulation, to carry out the construction, design, construction, engineering supervision units and technical service institutions such as main body responsibility, construction of laws and regulations and in violation of state technical standards on fire control for engineering behavior, ensure the quality of construction projects. We will improve the mechanism for sharing fire control information and data in construction projects. In housing urban and rural construction, fire and rescue departments will share drawings and data such as general building plans, building plans and system drawings of fire control facilities.

(4) Strengthen the supervision and administration of fire control products. We will strictly implement the national voluntary and compulsory certification systems for fire control products, implement mandatory certification for fire alarm products, fire extinguishers and products for refuge and escape used in public places and residential buildings, and change the certification to voluntary certification for other fire control products. We will open the fire products certification and inspection market to the public. Any certification and inspection institution that meets the statutory requirements may carry out the certification and inspection work, be responsible for the documents issued and bear the corresponding legal liabilities. Study and introduce measures for quality supervision in the production, circulation and use of fire control products in our province, establish a joint law enforcement mechanism for fire control products, regularly publish random inspection plans, strengthen supervision and random inspection, resolutely investigate and punish quality problems found, and transfer them to judicial organs for criminal responsibility according to law if they constitute crimes.

(5) Improving services for the convenience of the people and for enterprises. We will implement facilitation measures such as making up for shortages after they have been lost, green channels, and delivery by post or express delivery. We will implement services such as appointment booking, inter-city connection, inter-level liaison offices, and one-to-one special offices, so as to improve efficiency and service through multiple channels. The "online office" and "handheld office" of fire loss statistics, report and complaint acceptance, fine payment, application for temporary closure and application for resumption of production and operation are fully implemented to realize the "no meeting" and "no more than one run" of fire protection matters. Fire risk identification, fire safety assessment, fire education and training, and fire safety monitoring for people in extreme poverty, such as the elderly, the infirm, the disabled and the young, will be included in the guiding catalogue for government purchase of services, so as to ensure adequate supply of fire safety needs of the whole society. Develop training force, implement free fire protection training, develop fire safety "intelligent" team, and integrate training and continuing education of fire facilities operators into the "Safety Skills Improvement Action Plan". We will carry out fire control publicity activities in government offices, schools, communities, families, enterprises, rural areas, parks and places of religious activities, strengthen warning education and strengthen the awareness of fire control safety among the whole people. Publicity, radio and television departments widely carry out fire protection publicity, in radio and television, newspapers and periodicals in the prime time, important pages and prominent position free broadcast fire public service advertising.

(6) We will exercise supervision through "double randomization and one disclosure". We will strengthen supervision and inspection of state organs, organizations, enterprises, institutions and other units in compliance with fire control laws and regulations, formulate annual inspection plans, clarify the scope, items and rules of random inspection, reasonably determine the proportion and frequency of random inspection, and clarify the forms of supervision. We will explore ways of spot check that combine non-spot check with spot check, such as online monitoring and online law enforcement. We will carry out differentiated, classified supervision for those with different levels of accountability, risk and credit, and reasonably determine and adjust the frequency of spot checks on a floating basis. We will explore ways to establish a mechanism for assessing and motivating and punishing fire safety personnel and managers, and implement a point-of-performance management system. We will implement the "appointment system" for fire control supervision and inspection, focusing on the performance of those responsible for fire control safety and the performance of managers, and managing their own affairs well by taking charge of "people".

(7) Strengthening key oversight and control. We will explore ways to integrate key supervision with "dual random and open" supervision, study special governance conditions, procedures and content, regularly analyze and evaluate fire safety situations, and organize and carry out centralized rectification at appropriate times, so as to achieve joint and precise governance between comprehensive regulatory authorities and competent authorities in the industry. Relevant departments of local people's governments at or above the county level have carried out targeted fire control safety inspections, and fire and rescue departments have intensified supervision over densely populated places. We will guide insurance companies to support fire protection public welfare undertakings, increase fire prevention and loss prevention funds, and guide units to strengthen the rectification of hidden fire hazards. We will actively handle reports and complaints about potential fire hazards, introduce the system of rewards for fire reports and complaints and the system of "whistle blowers", encourage the public to participate in supervision, check and give feedback in time upon receiving fire reports and complaints, so as to ensure that everything is answered and everything is implemented.

(8) Strengthening credit supervision. A fire safety credit system shall be established and improved, and a cross-regional, cross-industry and cross-field joint incentive and punishment mechanism for fire safety credit shall be established to realize mutual trust and recognition of fire safety credit records. Research out a "blacklist" management system, the administrative penalties by the fire, fire safety shall be investigated for criminal responsibility and commitment inaccuracies, major fire hazards, refuses to correct illegal behavior, and have many illegal record units or individuals that decided its severity dishonest ACTS in accordance with the law and conform to the requirement of serious breach that included in the "blacklist" of management. We will explore ways to implement joint punishments in accordance with the law in terms of market access, project approval, land supply, financing and credit granting, government procurement, project bidding, and government financial support. To establish the credit repair mechanism, to actively cooperate with the rectification, effectively rectify the fire safety hidden danger, eliminate the bad influence of the society, timely repair the credit, to punish the dishonest, reward and keep good faith.

(9) Implementing the "Internet Plus Supervision". In accordance with the construction and application requirements of the provincial government's fire big data platform, we will accelerate the construction of "intelligent fire fighting", establish and improve the data sharing mechanism, and improve the decision-making level and winning ability of fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue. Use the Internet of things and big data technology to integrate and integrate data from relevant departments and key platforms, improve the coverage of the big data network system and the level of data sharing application, monitor fire safety situation in a full time and visually, evaluate fire safety risks in a real-time and intelligent manner, and achieve differentiated and precise supervision. The networked monitoring system of fire control facilities shall be incorporated into the synchronous construction of public fire control facilities, and all construction projects with fire control rooms constructed in accordance with national standards shall be connected to the networked monitoring system of fire control facilities.

(10) Intensifying investigation of liability for fire accidents. Investigation and handling of fire accidents shall be carried out in accordance with the law, and accountability shall be seriously investigated and held accountable. Has organized investigation by fire caused the death or major social impact of the personnel, a comprehensive check construction and intermediary services, fire protection products, such as using the administrative main body responsibility, the parties shall provide relevant responsibility unit to stop business operations for rectification, to reduce the level of qualification, shall be revoked the certificate of qualification and the business license, the relevant responsible practice, shall be revoked the certificate of qualification, suspended till lifelong industry stands within a certain time. Departments and their staff that fail to fulfill their supervisory responsibilities or fail to perform their duties or are derelict in their duties shall be held seriously accountable in accordance with the law and regulations; If the case constitutes a crime, it shall be transferred to a judicial organ to be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. A system shall be established to inform and evaluate the implementation of the rectification measures for the investigation and handling of the above major fire accidents and those that cause major social impacts. We will improve the working mechanism for fire accident investigation, transfer, investigation, prosecution and trial in criminal cases involving fire crime, fire control liability accident crime and duty crimes. Departments of supervision, public security, procuratorial work, courts of law, fire rescue and emergency management have strengthened communication and coordination, and made comprehensive use of various means of inspection accountability to ensure that all parties take full responsibility for fire safety.

(11) Revising and improving fire control laws and regulations. We will clean up, revise and improve policies and regulations that are incompatible with the fire control law enforcement reform, remove regulations and systems that hinder reform and development, and make sure that policies and systems are well aligned, so as to provide a legal guarantee for the smooth progress of the reform. To summarize and draw lessons from fire accidents, crack the mechanism and bottleneck problems of fire control safety, solidify special measures and practices for fire control work, and study and formulate fire control safety standards and regulations. We will accelerate the revision of jiangsu Province's Regulations on Fire control, measures on fire control in rural areas, regulations on fire control safety in high-rise buildings, and measures on the administration of full-time government fire control teams, and formulate regulations on fire control safety in residential areas.

(12) Strengthening the construction of fire control supervision forces. The departments responsible for fire control safety supervision and the competent departments in the industry responsible for fire control safety management shall, in accordance with the requirements of "safety must be in the management of the industry, safety must be in the management of business, and safety must be in the management of production and operation", specify the institutions, personnel and their responsibilities for fire control safety work. In accordance with state arrangements, supervision over fire control at the grassroots level shall be strengthened, the responsibilities of fire control work of examination and approval service agencies of towns and townships (streets) and comprehensive administrative law enforcement teams shall be clarified, and their power of fire control supervision and law enforcement shall be granted in accordance with legal procedures. We will revise and improve the regulations on fire control supervision and administration of police stations in our province, and further standardize and strengthen daily fire control supervision and inspection, and fire control publicity and education in police stations. Make clear the list of fire safety grid management responsibilities, strengthen the training of grid management personnel, and establish work incentive mechanism.

(13) Strict supervision and administration of fire control law enforcement. The system of double law-enforcement and certification-holding shall be strictly enforced. Fire cadres and firefighters can only engage in law-enforcement activities after passing the law-enforcement qualification examination. We will fully implement the "three systems" of the whole process record of fire law enforcement, the legal audit of fire law enforcement matters, and the publicity of fire law enforcement, so as to realize the whole-process supervision of fire law enforcement. We will strictly implement the law enforcement responsibilities specified in the Fire Control Law, formulate standards for the discretion of fire control administrative penalties, refine and quantify specific conditions, circumstances, types and ranges of penalties, and strengthen daily spot checks on the discretion of penalties to prevent inconsistent standards and arbitrary law enforcement. Formulate a list of non-penalized illegal fire control acts that are minor and corrected on the spot. If a case is complicated and a penalty such as an order to suspend production or business operation, stop use or a relatively large amount of fine is made, the case shall be decided through collective discussion, and a hearing shall be organized according to the provisions, and the relevant information shall be reported to the competent department at the next higher level for the record. We will implement the system of return visits for law enforcement matters and consciously accept public supervision. We will ensure that fire and rescue departments are completely decoupled from trade associations and intermediary organizations.

(14) Strict restrictions on illegal employment and accountability for fire control law enforcement. We will formulate professional standards for the personnel of housing and urban-rural development departments and fire and rescue departments, clarify employment restrictions for relevant personnel and their close relatives, and strictly implement the avoidance system. Personnel of housing urban and rural construction and fire control and rescue departments shall not designate or in disguised form designate fire control engineering construction enterprises, fire control technical service institutions and fire control products. Fire control cadres and their close relatives are not allowed to contract fire control projects, operate fire control technical service institutions, produce and sell fire control products. Fire control leading cadres and law enforcement cadres who resign from public office or retire shall not be hired by local fire control enterprises or intermediary organizations or engage in profit-making activities related to fire control industry within 5 years after leaving office, and other cadres shall not be hired by local fire control enterprises or intermediary organizations within 3 years after leaving office. We will establish and improve the responsibility system for fire control law enforcement and the lifelong responsibility system for law enforcement quality. We will comb through the specific list of responsibilities of law enforcement posts and law enforcement personnel, exempt them from responsibility for their due diligence and hold them accountable for their dereliction of duty. We will resolutely ensure that all fire control law enforcement omissions and irregularities are met with accountability and strict accountability. Those suspected of corruption, bribery, dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty shall be transferred to supervisory organs for investigation. Timely report typical cases of violation of discipline and law in fire law enforcement and illegal work, and strengthen warning education.

Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthening organization and leadership. All localities and departments should earnestly implement the relevant requirements of fire control law enforcement reform, earnestly fulfill their leadership responsibilities, regard implementation work as an important task at present, consolidate responsibility layer by layer, clearly assign responsibility to people, refine work measures, implement funds guarantee, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and actively guide and promote the implementation of relevant tasks.

(2) Strengthening coordinated oversight and supervision. All departments should strengthen communication and coordination, smoothly and orderly move forward the work of transferring responsibilities and canceling and streamlining the review and approval items, so as to achieve seamless docking. Development and reform, urban and rural housing construction, market supervision, public security, emergency management, fire rescue and other departments should strengthen ongoing and ex-post supervision, a comprehensive use of reminders, interviews, warning and other means, timely defuse risks, implement joint punishment.

(3)  We will ensure the implementation of these measures. All localities and departments should make clear their work requirements, strictly implement their responsibilities, and carry out all reform work in detail. We will strengthen supervision and guidance over the implementation of these opinions, organize special supervision over the implementation of fire control law enforcement reform in due course, and hold those who fail to implement them to account in accordance with the law and regulations.

General Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee

Issued on 22 May 2020